Posted also to comp.soft-sys.stat.spss where the same question appeared
(and nobody answered).


  This is an output of GLM from SPSS 9.0 where the dependent variable
FLOR (log transformed)

  was analysed by crossing 2 levels of the FIXED factor SEX with 2
levels of the RANDOM factor

  POP. The F for POP has been obtained by dividing MS POP/MS (SEX*POP)

  I think this is wrong because the F could be obtained by dividing MS
POP/MS error

  (0.06349/0.05737=1.10). Can anybody tell me if I am right or wrong?

  Dependent variable: LOGFLOR

  Source                          TypeIII SS         df
MS                         F               Sig.


  Intersección      Hipótesis      694.987          1
694.987             10945.783       .006
                          Error           6.349E-02        1
  SEX                 Hipótesis       .449               1
.449                       2.256           .374
                          Error              .199              1
  POP                 Hipótesis       6.349E-02     1
6.349E-02              .319            .673
                          Error               .199             1
  SEX * POP     Hipótesis          .199            1
.199                      3.467             .066
                          Error              4.360           76


  a        MS(POP)
  b        MS(SEX * POP)
  c        MS(Error)

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