Michael Atherton wrote in message

>I work in a university environment dominated
>by constructivists.  I have been trying to find authors
>or researchers who are publishing views contrary to
>the NCTM standards...without much luck.  Can any
>one tell me who are the national figures with views
>opposed to the constructivist approach to mathematics

The following book may be of interest, though it is not about mathematics

The flight from science and reason, edited by Paul R. Gross, Norman Levitt,
and Martin W. Lewis, published by The New York Academy of Sciences, 1996
(ISBN 1-57331-003-4).

The book includes contributions from various disciplines scrutinizing the
irrationalism resulting from social constructionism. The book incudes some
chapters on science education, including a critique on the constuctivistic
point of view in the National Science Education Standards.

Have a great 2000!

Rinus Voeten.

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