Dear Statistics Professionals:

I am recently working some data analysis and have great difficuly to
the approriate statistics method. The analysis is:

I have one binary variably (y=1 or y=0) and one continuous variable, say

'X'. 'X' range from 0-100, with abou25% of them equal to 100 and 95% of
them above 85. Now I need to find the 'best' region of 'X' (somthing
like from a to b) in which that the event rate (y=1) is the lowest.
I can always plot x vs. y and find
the 'best' region visually and then get some p value out of it. But then

it doesn't
sound like statistics to me. There are about 500 observation, by the

Could somebody kindly provide some suggestion?

Many Thanks.


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