I am glad this one is back after a short absence. Likert scales (or
any other data) "are" not ordinal or interval. Actually, they have no
idea what they are. It's up to you. You choose the statistical
technique and you must be able to defend your choice to your committee,
to your client, to the reviewer, to the judge, to your students.
The defense "I am doing this because books A,B,... tell me to do so"
simply will not fly in some of these scenarios (and should not fly in any
of them).

At 4:04 PM +1000 1/31/00, boonlert wrote:
>Dear all
>     I have seen articles in marketing and organization behavior journal
>using a likert scale to test a hypothesis by applying it as a metric scale
>(run regression as a dependent variable). In addition, some statistical
>books are presented a likert scale as an ordinal scale while a few books are
>represented it as an interval scale. Could anyone help me to make clear of
>it so we can use a likert scale with the right analysis tools?
>     Any response will be highly appreciated.
>Boonlert W.
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>   offensive email.
>   For information concerning the list, please see the following web page:
>   http://jse.stat.ncsu.edu/

Jan de Leeuw; Professor and Chair, UCLA Department of Statistics;
US mail: 8142 Math Sciences Bldg, Box 951554, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1554
phone (310)-825-9550;  fax (310)-206-5658;  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~deleeuw and http://home1.gte.net/datamine/
          No matter where you go, there you are. --- Buckaroo Banzai

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