>ROFLLMAO... Only 831 hits in about 2 months? My personal statistics show
>that a reputable company would have that as a minimum EACH DAY!!! No,
>I'd rather get my facts from an established and most likely more legit

Think about the context before interpreting the statistic -- and think twice
before attacking someone else's legitimacy and integrity.  Paid statistical
consulting is a much smaller market than selling aspirin or paperback books,
and the site hasn't exactly been taking out full page ads in the Wall Street
Journal to generate inquiries.  Would you really expect thousands of inquiries
every week?  I would not -- and even if I did, I would not draw inferences
about the company's legitimacy or the quality of its services from the
popularity of its website, which depends on its marketing effort rather than
its services.

Steve Albert

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