Not very good at statistics, bets I did was "Introductory Econometrics"
by Ramanathan. Still got a hard question....

Suppose I want to explain number of deaths of time from a fixed pool of
people (got ur attention? :)

First I assume this is a binomial process. From the data I have
collected over time, on average 5% dies within a period.

Of coure, this number grows as the people get older. But it may also
change as some start or stop smoking, using drugs, etc. So, there are
explanatory variables that I can use to better predict deaths per
period (and age is one of them, which changes over time).

I want to specify a model that takes into account these individual
variables, but optimizes the explanation of the total death rate per

How would I do that?

Normal regressions would minimize ESS with respect to predictions per
sample (person per period). But basically, the "sample" I am interest in
is the death rate per month. (Would that even matter aside from probably
different R-squares since the TSS and ESS are different? I mean could
estimator differ when trying to do what i think I am trying to do?)

I guess it is a panel data analysis problem with binomial dependant

I am not very mathematically good, but I can dig a precise conceptual
explanation with some math in it.

Kind regards,
Umfriend AKA Crass

P.S. Please help. A referal to a book dealing with panel data would be
great too.

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