This is where we stand so far

     Program:    test1    test2     test3    test4    test5
  Iterations:      500     1000     10000     1000   100000

  S-PLUS 3.4:     18.3      9.0      38.4     31.0    232.9
  S-PLUS 5.1:     75.0    152.6     317.1    544.8    224.1
    R 0.90.1:     56.5      5.7      47.0     18.1     27.9

  S-PLUS 2000:    13      27        24       90       29

Once again, this should be compared with XLISP-STAT. I only
did test5, because these things are so boring.

>  (defun test-5 (n)
     (let ((k 0))
        (dotimes (j n)
           (let ((v (vector 1 2 j j 3)))
              (if (= (aref v 1) 2) (incf k))))))
>  (time (test-5 100000)
The evaluation took 1.88 seconds; 0.23 seconds in gc.
>  (compile 'test-5)
>  (time (test-5 100000))
The evaluation took 0.35 seconds; 0.05 seconds in gc.

Thus the raw lisp version takes 1.88 seconds and the byte-compiled
version 0.35 seconds. By increasing the memory somewhat, and by
using a typed vector for v we may be able to speed this up another
fraction. For the time being, it seems that XLISP-STAT, on this
test, is about 100 times as fast as the fastest versions of S.

Jan de Leeuw; Professor and Chair, UCLA Department of Statistics;
US mail: 8142 Math Sciences Bldg, Box 951554, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1554
phone (310)-825-9550;  fax (310)-206-5658;  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
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