Milo Schield wrote:
> I agree with Dennis that students need to be exposed to the use of Bayesian
> priors within the process of teaching classical hypothesis testing.

Using Bayesian priors can be very difficult for some students. (Why  do
we take the
uniform prior ??? )

For to teach decission making in the class, I have made some WWW-pages .

If you have Netscape 4 or better (this is  not for IE-users), pleace
look my DHTML-pages

and there 

Making decissions 1 (Critical value) 
Making decissions 2 (Probability) 

Some of my students said "it  was usefull".


Juha Puranen

Juha Puranen
Department of Statistics 
P.O.Box 54 (Unioninkatu 37), 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland

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