Can you help or lead me to the appropriate reference?

I have 526 radar measurements evenly sampled over 26.25 sec (i.e., pulse 
repetition frequency = 20 points per second).

mean  =  0.0
stdv  =  1.2
t0    =  1    sec (1/e decorrelation time from the autocorrelation function)

I want to test the null hypothesis that these correlated measurements 
could have been drawn from a zero-mean Gaussian distribution. 

However I don't believe I have enough independent measurements.

Will bootstrapping help? i.e., 

1. Randomly draw, with replacement, 526 measurements.

2. Sort and form the cumulative probability distribution function.

3. Determine the maximum absolute deviation, D, from the theoretical CDF.

4. Obtain the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Probability.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 many times.

6. Obtain the average and standard error of the probabilities.


P.S. What penalty is paid because I have to use the stdv estimate (I know 
the theoretical mean is 0).


Gregory E. Heath     [EMAIL PROTECTED]      The views expressed here are
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