i was just sending the below to some other colleagues ... here are 4 places 
to find screen REcorders of action ... as video files


http://tucows.tierranet.com/scapt95.html .... go down to matchware 



all ways to capture video and screen action ... and make video files out of 
them ... for demos

At 08:35 AM 5/23/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Off the topic
>A while back some one pointed me to a site that had a piece of software
>that played back a lesson in excel.
>The action on the screen mimiced the actions taken by the instructor,
>e.g. the cursor moved, formale were typed in and there was a voice over
>lay.  I think the software was called screen player or something like
>that.  Anyone out there have a clue?

Dennis Roberts, EdPsy, Penn State University
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Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], AC 814-863-2401, FAX 814-863-1002
WWW: http://roberts.ed.psu.edu/users/droberts/drober~1.htm
FRAMES: http://roberts.ed.psu.edu/users/droberts/drframe.htm

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