if i were defining as a measure of difficulty of a text passage ... the
number of 3 syllable words per 100 words of text ... we expect that the
measure conveys something about the TEXT ... and, larger ratios or
proportions would be related and mean ... more difficult text ... because
there are more 3 syllable words per 100 (we don't care if there are 300 or
3000 words IN the text ... which is like the number of Ss)
same as below ... we want to analyze the statements ... and, the value you
obtain should be independent of the number of Ss ...
if you make this base based on n of respondents ... then this volume or %
will get smaller and smaller necessarily as number of Ss gets larger ...
even if the 'volume' of some certain class of text units is the same ...
per 1 minute of talk ... etc.
as a crude measure ... number of instances of X/ total number things that occur
now, the stability of this value would be related to n of Ss of course ...
At 02:40 PM 5/23/00 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear Members,
>When performing a content analysis one breaks down the respondents
>statements into their smallest meaningful units. This results in there
>being more statements than respondents. When calculating the frequecy of
>these units - is it more corect to use the number of respondents or the
>number of responses as the base? Which is industry standard and why?
>Grant Robertson
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Dennis Roberts, EdPsy, Penn State University
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