Please find below the scientific program of the conference

        Frontier Research In Theoretical Statistics 2000

which will be held in Eindhoven on August 17-19.

More information, including a registration form, can be found on the

If you want to attend, please take a minute to register.

John Einmahl
Axel Munk


Thursday, August 17 

10.30-11.10 Willem R. van Zwet: A remark on consistent estimation 
11.30-12.10 Robert Serfling: Quantile functions for multivariate
analysis: approaches and  applications 

14.30-15.10 Sándor Csörgö: The smoothing dichotomy in nonparametric
15.10-15.50 Martien C.A. van Zuijlen: Estimation of the mean of
stationary and nonstationary Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes and sheets 
16.20-17.00 Winfried Stute: Nonparametric detection of discontinuities
in binary regression 
17.00-17.40 Piet Groeneboom: Estimators for deconvolution 
Friday, August 18 

10.30-11.10 Madan Puri: Conditional U--Statistics with applications in
discriminant analysis, ARMA processes and hidden Markov models 
11.30-12.10 Georg Neuhaus: Some tests for testing cancerogenicity 

14.30-15.10 Laurens de Haan: Extremes in C[0,1] 
15.10-15.50 Ross Leadbetter: Rice's formula and Palm distributions
revisited - some theory and application 
16.20-17.00 Manfred Denker: Local limit theorems 
17.00-17.40 Pál Révész: Large balls left empty by a critical branching
Wiener field 

Saturday,  August 19 

10.30-11.10 Richard Gill: Quantum tomography as a statistical inverse
11.30-12.10 Bernard Mair: An exact representation for PET probabilities 
12.10-12.50 Arnoud van Rooij: Hausdorff convergence of Fourier series
and integrals

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