this summer, for my course, i have offered some bonus points for those who 
would do some weekly websurfing activities ... as a way of encouraging them 
to look around and see what is available ... out there in cyberspace ... 
they have to do some searching each week ... for 6 weeks ... so they would 
be turning in 6 small things

week 1: had them visit 3 software company sites ... not including minitab 
... and print off a page or so from each, then answer a few questions from 
each about: whether the software supported mac and/or pc, whether there was 
a student version, etc.

week 2: since we were talking about linear regression, had them visit 3 
sites ... mainly those that were online courses/texts ... and find info 
from the sites about regression to the mean ... print it out ... and see if 
there were any cross site conflicts in how this topic was discussed

week3: had them take a small set of data ... correlation problem ... and go 
to the java script project site ... find 3 sites where they could input the 
data ONLINE ... and get a correlation coefficient calculated ... and a 
scatterplot made .... and print out the output

week4: (to do for next week) ... to visit the ... world lecture 
hall site ... for stat courses ... find some that are similar to what they 
are currently in ... print out a page or two from each ... and answer a few 
questions about requirements, whether there was a real text required ... or 
was software required, etc.

there will be two more of these ... if any of you have any ideas, i would 
welcome them ...


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