Paul Thompson wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Does anyone know if there are any C code functions or libraries
> available
> (preferably free/on the Web) for doing multiple regression or
> multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA)?
Off-topic for comp.lang.c. (since ANOVA, MANCOVA, and other 
statistical techniques have no features specific to ISO C). 
Consult the faq for sci.math.num-analysis at
You will find a section on statistics - it has a subsection 
on software. (I think that the sci.math.num-analysis faq 
also serves as the sci.stat.math faq and if so, then you 
should already be acquainted with it since you have
cross-posted to that ng.) Some places that might be worth 
checking into are
There is bound to be a useful link at
Presumably better advice will follow when somebody from 
sci.stat.math responds.

(To reach me, replace my last name with my first.)
Brian Blank                   * barf [ba:rf] 2."He suggested using
Department of Mathematics       FORTRAN, and everybody barfed."
Washington University in St. Louis  -The Shogakukan DICTIONARY OF 
St. Louis, MO 63130                   NEW ENGLISH (Second edition)

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