I am looking for way to automate numerical analysis.  Specifically I
want a program to take as input a time series from a flat text file,
some settings on what analysis to perform, then use, for example,
lagrange polynomial interpolation to produce a polynomial regression
equation.  From there I could write a program to graph predicited
results.  So far I've gone through applications, source libraries, and
just today spoke with a sales rep from SAS for 30 minutes.  However I
may be making this more complex then it really is.  Has anyone come
across a similar problem or have advice on how to do this?  SAS seems
to be the only program that is flexible enough to run on unix and be
automated.  I would prefer a more simplistic approach as there is _a
lot_ of overhead in starting to use SAS.  Any help or suggestions would
be appreciated!


-- Blaine


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