
    I, Carmen Cummings, am in a Doctorate Program at the University of North Florida 
in a
course in statistics. I cannot find any information on reading an SPSS
Duncan Table of Results. Everything I find says that it is a "New"
statistical calculation.

    Could someone help me read the statistics highlighted in yellow at the
bottom of the table.

    "Help" in SPSS states on One-Way ANOVA Post Hoc Tests that "Duncan is a
range test and that range tests identify homogeneous subsets of means that
are not different from each other."

The data is the means of test scores in math for five group of students taught by five 
different methods,
video only, workbook only, lecture, lecture and video, lecture and workbook. The test 
was administered after
the five different teaching methods were used to teach math

Click on this url or copy and paste it into your browser to see the table.



David & Carmen Cummings

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