On 13 Sep 2000 05:23:07 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan
Zaslavsky) wrote:

> The following article may be of interest to some of you who are trying to
> get across the notion of reliability, particularly those who are teaching
> H.S. or young college students who have recently gone through high-stakes
> achievement/competency testing programs.  You can also download directly
> from the New York Times web site at 
>        http://www.nytimes.com/2000/09/13/national/13LESS.html
 < snip, rest >

 - Should we count the challenge this leads to
as a minor IQ test?  

If you are not "registered" with NY Times, then it asks you for name,
password ...  and an option allows you to save them (in a cookie, I
presume) so you won't get asked the next time.   

If you skip down to the bottom and click "done", then 
you have endorsed 3 or 4 pre-checked boxes which authorize/request
that folks send you e-mail.  Or sell your name.  
 - Did you want that ?-

I have said before, I don't get much Spam as a result of posting to
stat-groups.  I may be protected by having an ".edu" name, and I may
be protected by filters that the University uses -- but I also watch
out so that I don't *request*  more mail.  And I don't give my logname
very often, anyway, though I did, this time.


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