Attention:  Students and Faculty!

      Government Statistics, Social Statistics and Survey Research Methods
      Sections Sponsor Paper Competition

The Government Statistics, Social Statistics and Survey Research
Methods Sections are pleased to announce a competition for student
and postgraduate papers to be presented at the Joint Statistical
Meetings in 2001. Winners of the competition will receive a subsidy
of up to $800 for actual expenses to support their attendance at the
JSM in Atlanta on August 5-9, 2001. They will present their papers at
a session of the meeting and will be recognized at the Sections'
business meetings.

Current undergraduate or graduate students at any level, as well as
those who graduated in 2000 who wish to present research they
conducted as students, are eligible to participate.  Up to four
prizes will be awarded jointly by the Social Statistics and
Government Statistics Sections, and one additional prize will be
awarded by the Section on Survey Research Methods for a paper in that

Papers entered in the Student Competition must involve either a new
statistical methodology or a creative application of statistical
analysis to a problem, policy question, or other issue in the subject
area of one of the sponsoring sections. Research for the submitted
papers does not have to be complete, but competitors must be able to
submit an abstract prospectus describing the planned research,
including the nature of the intended innovations.

Applications should include (1) a cover letter including name,
current affiliation and status, and contact information (address,
telephone, e-mail) of the applicant, (2) an abstract of up to 300
words, (3) a draft paper if available, or otherwise a 3-page research
prospectus, and  (4) a letter from the adviser certifying student
status (or completion of degree within the past year) and describing
plans for the completion of the research. Send applications to Alan
Zaslavsky (Program Chair, Social Statistics), Department of Health
Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, 180 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA
02115 (e-mail for queries: [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
Applications must be received by December 10. Winners will be
notified in early January and must register for the meetings by
January 31.

We urge faculty to encourage their students to apply for these

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