If you are interested, I posted some factual information about undervote
ballots under the thread "Legal statistical flimflam."   DR

In article
  Fred Galvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > The message below is at:
> >
> > http://www.deja.com/[ST_rn=ps]/threadmsg_if.xp?AN=701156345&fmt=text
> >
> > Legal sophistry is truly amazing, especially the use of the phrase
> > "reasonable probability." This case has absolutely nothing to do
> > with statistics or with probability. It is a simple case of
> > arithmetic--look at the undervote ballots.
> There is nothing *wrong* with "undervote" ballots. Voters are not
> required to vote on every office and every question on the ballot.
> Probably, *most* people who vote don't fill out their ballots
> completely. Voters who choose not to vote for any of the candidates
> for president have just as much right to have their vote counted as
> anybody else, and it is *wrong* to take their votes and donate them to
> one or another of the candidates. No doubt, many voters make mistakes,
> but there is no particular reason to think the *undervotes* are
> mistakes: you could just as well say that lots of people who punched
> the Gore hole really meant to vote for one of the other candidates.
> > If this is not done by Florida officials, it will be done by the
> > media under the FOI law. Unless these ballots are destroyed, we
> > will know the true results. It's only a matter of time.
> How are we going to do that, have psychics handle the ballots? That
> might work. The problem is, if they are really psychic, they would be
> able to tell who cast the vote, and that would violate the secrecy of
> the ballot.

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