On 9 Dec 2000 17:28:28 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hayden)

>It's not clear how you split 25 electors among 2 candidates when you
>don't know the popular vote, nor if you assume it was a tie.  (You
>might then have a lawsuit over which elector will be split in two!-)
>There are lots of solutions that seem common-sensical if they
>guarantee a pre-determined outcome you find attractive.  That's why I
>favor tossing a coin.

Gore would win if you gave 13 of the votes to Bush, so he'd probably
be gracious and give away the undetermined one.

Would he still have a lead if the same procedure was used in every
state?  He got a lot of votes from California based on a very close
popular vote.

Duncan Murdoch

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