though you have not indicated the kind of data you are referring to ... nor 
treatments, etc. ... if the ns are decent in each group ... i would 
seriously question the design ... or data collection process ... IF you had 
NO within group variance AT all ... in ANY group ...

when you collect data in a design like you refer to, you have to ask 
yourself: how is it possible that i can "test" a within group ... with some 
data collection instrument ... and have each and every value in the group 
be identical?

THAT i think is a more serious problem

At 12:24 AM 12/13/00 +0000, Gene Gallagher wrote:
>The textbook I'm using this semester presents a 2-factor ANOVA problem
>(3 levels of each factor) in which two of the 9 groups have zero
>variance (identical observations for two replicates).  Levene's test
>indicates significant departure from homoscedasticity (this may not be
>known to the authors of the text who provide the solution as if there
>were no problems with homogeneity of variance).  Is there ever a case
>when you can trust the ANOVA results despite violations of
>homoscedasticity like this?  Obviously, no transformation is appropriate
>and the non-parametric ANOVAs aren't good at handling interaction
>effects (at least not Friedman).
>Eugene D. Gallagher
>Sent via
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