this morning ... silly as it sounds ... i went to the following site

which tests your internet throughput speed (nice site!)

and with both ie and netscape open ...

toggled back and forth between the two ... took 10 readings each (by 
hitting refresh or reload) ... and here are the data

data are in k bytes/sec ... a reading of 150 is 1.5 Mbps ... or a T1 line speed

  Row     ie  netscape

    1    268       246
    2    268       233
    3    260       246
    4    252       228
    5    267       233
    6    268       245
    7    252       246
    8    260       232
    9    253       239
   10    260       246

MTB > desc c1 c2

Descriptive Statistics: ie, netscape

Variable             N       Mean     Median     TrMean      StDev    SE Mean
ie                  10     260.80     260.00     261.00       6.76       2.14
netscape            10     239.40     242.00     240.00       7.24       2.29

Variable       Minimum    Maximum         Q1         Q3
ie              252.00     268.00     252.75     268.00
netscape        228.00     246.00     232.75     246.00

MTB > twos c1 c2

Two-Sample T-Test and CI: ie, netscape

Two-sample T for ie vs netscape

            N      Mean     StDev   SE Mean
ie        10    260.80      6.76       2.1
netscape  10    239.40      7.24       2.3

Difference = mu ie - mu netscape
Estimate for difference:  21.40
95% CI for difference: (14.79, 28.01)
T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 6.83  P-Value = 0.000  DF = 17


  Row     C5    C6

    1    268   ie
    2    268   ie
    3    268   ie
    4    267   ie
    5    260   ie
    6    260   ie
    7    260   ie
    8    253   ie
    9    252   ie
   10    252   ie
   11    246   net
   12    246   net
   13    246   net
   14    246   net
   15    245   net
   16    239   net
   17    233   net
   18    233   net
   19    232   net
   20    228   net


notice there is no overlap between the two sets of speeds ... for my sample 
... ie was always faster ... than the fastest netscape

i am sure there are many reasons for this ... but, i just pass this along 
as a simple "experiment" where two treatments are imposed ...

i would be interested in whether some of you would also do this ... and 
report your results

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