A D V A N C E D     T R A D I N G     S T R A T E G I E S

Datashaping is publishing  "Advanced Trading Strategies",
the source of statistical expertise for stock traders. Our
monthly newsletter focuses on statistical strategies, with an
emphasis on the technical aspects of real life stock trading.
Authors are encouraged to submit articles for review. We
will publish  material on the following topics:

 - tax issues, in particular with short-term trading
 - short-term and intra-day trading
 - statistical algorithms, parametrization
 - strategy design and optimization
 - impact of spread and trading errors
 - designing robust strategies
 - combining short and long term strategies on a single stock
 - metrics used to assess the efficiency of a strategy
 - statistical distributions of interest for stock traders
 - data gathering and data quality issues
 - statistical modeling, model fitting

To send an article, e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Accepted articles will be published on our web site. We also
accept job offer postings. Subscription to our newsletter is
currently free.

Vincent Granville
http://www.datashaping.com : Advanced Statistical Strategies

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the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

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