Here is the question:

Car A: 27.9    30.4    30.6    31.4    31.7

(a) If the manufactureres of car A want to advertise that their car
performed best in this test, which of the "average" discussed so far in
this chapter could they use to substantiate this claim?

-- 1. what is the meaning of "Substantiate" in here?
      --> I looked up disctionary which says, "value".
           If the word means 'value', the question is asking me
for 'Mode'. so the answer is, "30.6". But then, the question is too

SO what does the question asking me for?

Car C: 28.6    29.1   28.5   31.1     29.7
(b) Show that the midrange will serve their purpose.

What does this question mean?
  ---> Im guessing that midrange is 'mena of largest and smallest
value'. so the answer shoud be should be '30.3'. Is this what the
question is asking for?

Please help!!!!

Thanks in advance!

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