i generated some integer data in minitab ... 10 rows 5 columns

then mtb> rmedian c1-c5, c11 ... gets the median of the row puts it in c11

  Row     C1     C2     C3     C4     C5    C11

    1     18     10     14     12     14     14
    2     14     10     13     17     19     14
    3     12     18     20     19     20     19
    4     11     10     17     19     10     11
    5     19     10     18     12     19     18
    6     15     18     17     17     16     17
    7     13     17     13     15     13     13
    8     11     14     14     17     13     14
    9     13     11     13     20     12     13
   10     15     17     18     17     13     17

now, as per requested, i put some weights on the variables

MTB > let c6=c1*.5
MTB > let c7=c2*1.2
MTB > let c8=c3*.7
MTB > let c9=c4*.3
MTB > let c10=c5*.8

then, did mtb> rmedian c6-c10, c12

here are the data

  Row     C6     C7     C8     C9    C10    C12

    1    9.0   12.0    9.8    3.6   11.2    9.8
    2    7.0   12.0    9.1    5.1   15.2    9.1
    3    6.0   21.6   14.0    5.7   16.0   14.0
    4    5.5   12.0   11.9    5.7    8.0    8.0
    5    9.5   12.0   12.6    3.6   15.2   12.0
    6    7.5   21.6   11.9    5.1   12.8   11.9
    7    6.5   20.4    9.1    4.5   10.4    9.1
    8    5.5   16.8    9.8    5.1   10.4    9.8
    9    6.5   13.2    9.1    6.0    9.6    9.1
   10    7.5   20.4   12.6    5.1   10.4   10.4

does this help?

At 12:54 PM 1/26/01 -0500, Magill, Brett wrote:
>Just a practical problem that I have run into here.  I have a large data set
>where every case (row) represents a person.  Each person belongs to a
>metropolitan area.  I want to aggregate some of the individual results into
>metro area statistics.  Should be easy... but alas...

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