
Reply to this email to join the SourcerersApprentice group,
an email group hosted by Yahoo! Groups, a free, easy-to-use email group

JOIN NOW, IT'S EASY: reply to this email by choosing "Reply" and then
"Send" in your email program.

Yahoo! Groups makes it easy to participate in email discussions,
coordinate events, share photos and files, and more.

NOTE: This is an announcement or newsletter group, so only the group
moderator may post messages. Also, some or all group sharing features
may be disabled at the moderator's discretion.

Here's an introductory message from the group moderator:

Dear HR Professional,

Would you like to take a quantum leap in capturing, processing, and communicating with 
candidates using the latest Internet tools? 

Would you like to learn how to identify and manage hundreds of candidates that you 
collect each day?

Read about cutting-edge tools that can target and acquire thousands of leads in 
minutes, automatically parse resumes into a database, identify only resumes on the 
Web, and much, much more.

All this is completely FREE, no strings attached, no banner advertising, and sent to 
you only once per month.

Subscribe now to the SOURCERER'S APPRENTICE, a free, monthly, electronic newsletter 
dedicated to assisting recruiters, HR professionals, and researchers who want to 
engage and utilize all facets of the Internet.


Bret Hollander

P.S. Whether you decide to subscribe or not, please either bookmark or direct your 
recruiting staff to bookmark the following website hat can greatly automate your 
recruiting function for FREE!




1) REPLY to this email by clicking "Reply" and then "Send"
in your email program


2) Go to the Yahoo! Groups site at 
   and click the "JOIN" button

If you do not wish to join the SourcerersApprentice group, please
ignore this invitation.

SPECIAL NOTE FROM Yahoo! Groups:  Because Yahoo! Groups values your privacy,
it is a violation of our service rules for moderators to abuse our invitation
service. If you feel this has happened, please notify us at 

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms


Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

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