The Journal of Statistics Education is now an ASA journal and has moved
to the ASA web site.  Jim Albert's article can be found at

Jackie Dietz

"Simon, Steve, PhD" wrote:
> Doug J Bennett writes:
> >I recently read "The Lady Tasting Tea" by David Salsburg, in the hope
> >it would explain the "Bayesian philosophy". Sadly, for me most of the
> >chapters of this book are too short and non-mathematical to explain
> >much.
> >
> >Can some one recommend another book.
> Jim Albert has two nice simple applied examples in the Journal of Statistics
> Education:
> Albert, J. (1995) "Teaching Inference About Proportions Using Bayes and
> Discrete Models" Journal of Statistics Education [Online], 3(3)
> Steve Simon, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Standard Disclaimer.
> STATS: STeve's Attempt to Teach Statistics.
> Watch for a change in servers. On or around June 2001, this page will
> move to
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  E. Jacquelin Dietz                       (919) 515-1929  (phone) 
  Department of Statistics, Box 8203       (919) 515-1169  (FAX) 
  North Carolina State University      
  Raleigh, NC  27695-8203   USA            [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Street address for FedEx:  
  Room 210E Patterson Hall, 2501 Founders Drive

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