Hello eee,
Someone you know recently entered your email address in our contact form because they 
thought you would be interested in our Free .com name and Website and promotion.

For the next week we are giving away the following items:

Free .com, .net, or .org name
Free E-Commerce Capable Website
Free First Month
Free Shopping Cart for E-commerce
Free Secure Credit Card Transaction Server Access
Free Website Editor (Allows you to control your entire site from anywhere in the world 
with nothing more than your Internet browser.)
Free Website Statistics Analysis
Unlimited Everything
Unlimited Email Addresses
Unlimited Hosting Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Pages
Unlimited Capacity of items in the Shopping Cart

You do not need any programming knowledge at all to run your own website.  If you can 
type and read this email, then you have all that you need to have a great looking 

Our unique Website editor makes it amazingly easy to edit your Website and its 
E-Commerce capabilities.  You can easily be in business online in no time.

Your Website will be hosted on the best servers and bandwidth anywhere.  This means 
you Website will be FAST!
There is nothing left to add to this service.
Everything you need to be in business online NOW is here!

In order to see some sites that have been done using us or get answers to any 
questions you may have, 
You may contact us the following ways:

Phone:  1-954-585-6460


This offer will expire in 7 days.

If you did not wish to receive email from us just let us know 

Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

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