It depends on what you want to do.  Sure, for learning about factor
analysis, it's fun to write your own fortran programs.  It's also a
good way to learn to use IMSL routines.  If you're heading towards
work in methodology and software development, it might be instructive
to write such a program.

But for applied factor analysis--why reinvent the wheel?  Any program
you write using fortran and IMSL routines probably won't be as good as
what one finds with SAS or SPSS.  I have written my own factor
analysis routines in fortran.  But in most research situations, I'm
far more likely to use SAS PROC FACTOR than my own program.

John Uebersax, PhD             (805) 384-7688 
Thousand Oaks, California      (805) 383-1726 (fax)

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"Aron Landy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
news:<3b8b6418$0$8507$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Any ideas, anyone? I am thinking of using IMSL (which comes free with Compaq
> Visual Fortran). Can I do better?
> Aron Landy

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