Dear EdStat readers,

During the last few weeks, two copies of the Hybris.gen virus have been
sent to the EdStat list.  This virus arrives with the apparent "From:"
address [EMAIL PROTECTED]  This address is faked; in fact, the web
site has been set up to provide
information about this virus.  I recommend that you take a look at that
site.  No one intentionally sent the virus to EdStat -- the virus sent
itself, just doing what viruses do.

Apparently a new and particularly dangerous virus is now making the
rounds.  According to my local newspaper, the virus can be spread by
e-mail messages containing an attachment called README.EXE.  Please do
not open any attachment that may arrive from the EdStat list!

We have investigated the possibility of removing attachments from
messages before they are distributed to the EdStat list.  This appears
to be impossible using our current majordomo software.  I hope that
eventually we will be able to implement this so that no attachments can
be sent to the list.  In the meantime, please do not send attachments to
the list.  If you wish to make files available to readers, please post
them on the web and tell us the url, or offer to send the files directly
to interested readers.  Thanks very much.

Jackie Dietz
  E. Jacquelin Dietz                       (919) 515-1929  (phone) 
  Department of Statistics, Box 8203       (919) 515-1169  (FAX) 
  North Carolina State University      
  Raleigh, NC  27695-8203   USA            [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Street address for FedEx:  
  Room 210E Patterson Hall, 2501 Founders Drive

Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

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