At 02:11 PM 9/19/01 -0400, Rich Ulrich wrote:

>Or download the APA  conclusions on the general topic.
>This paper also provided a rare and valuable overview on
>social science research:
>American psychologist
>August 1999, Vol. 54, No. 8, 594-604.
>"Statistical Methods in Psychology Journals: Guidelines and
>Leland Wilkinson and Task Force on Statistical Inference
>APA Board of Scientific Affairs

actually, there is precious little in this paper about significance testing 
... though, there is much more in the bibliographic references

the general link rich refers to is much more general ... ie, about an 
entire journal article and sections in it ... what should be presented and 
what should not be

actually, one of the statements within the conclusion section is:
Some had hoped that this task force would vote to recommend an outright ban 
on the use of significance tests in psychology journals. Although this 
might eliminate some abuses, the committee thought that there were enough 
counterexamples (e.g., Abelson, 1997) to justify forbearance. Furthermore, 
the committee believed that the problems raised in its charge went beyond 
the simple question of whether to ban significance tests.

one might get the impression from this that there was a major discussion of 
the pros and cons of continuing "significance testing" and, the above was 
the conclusion drawn ... but actually, the paper in the url above ... 
really says very little about this specific issue

finally, i did NOT send the note about the sig. test. articles ... to make 
a case for or agin (though i have my own opinion) ... i just sent it as 
reading that some might find useful

dennis roberts, educational psychology, penn state university
208 cedar, AC 8148632401, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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