(sending to all - @Home is a non-functioning address) - Jay
"@Home" wrote:

> I had the following to solve:
> 51% of all domestic cars being shipped have power windows. If a lot contains
> five such cars:
> a. what is probability that only one has power windows?
> b. what is probability that at least one has power windows?
> I solved each of these problems in two ways, one using std probability
> theory and one by using a binomial distribution. I seemingly had no problem
> w/part b., but in part a. the probability theory did not seem to produce the
> correct answer. I have listed these below. What is wrong w/the probability
> equation listed below?  Also is my answer to part b. correct?
>       a. Randomly Draw Five Samples (Cars)
>       Independent Events    Only 1 w/Power Windows
>       P{Only 1 Power} = P (Power) x P (NotPower)  x P (NotPower) x P
> (NotPower) x P (NotPower)
>      0.51 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 =

Don't forget, you listed only 1 way to get 1 PW (power window) and 4 not.
There are 5 wys you could get this result, if you don't count the order (which
the question doesn't include).  C(5,1) = 5!/(4!*1!) = 5.

So:  0.51*0.49*0.49 * 0.49 * 0.49 * 5 =  = 0.14700

>       Also Solve Using BINOMDIST Function in Excel
>       n 5
>       ? 0.51 Success - PW
>       x 1
>       p(x) 0.14700
>       b.     At least  1 w/Power Windows
>       P {At Least 1} = 1 - P {0}
>       P {0} =  P (NotPower) x P (NotPower)  x P (NotPower) x P (NotPower) x
> P (NotPower)
>      0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49
>          Prob 0 0.02825
>          1 - 0.02825
>          At least 1 0.97175

In this one, all the outcomes are alike, so there is no combination effect.

>       Also Solve Using BINOMDIST Function in Excel  ~ 97%
>       n 5
>       ? 0.49 Success - No Power
>       x 0
>       p(x) 0.02825
>       1 - 0.028247525
>      97%

So you got it!  Or nearly so.


Jay Warner
Principal Scientist
Warner Consulting, Inc.
4444 North Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53404-1216

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