Can somebody help me?
It is pretty easy to obtain uncertainty of the slope (linear
regression). But I don't know how to get the correct error if my data
which i use for the linear regression have certain error themselves.
Can somebody give me advice how to include the errors of individual
To be more specific: 
from my initial data I obtained four linear regressions-As and their
slopes and errors.
those slopes I used as Y- data for second linear regression-B from
which I need its slope and error.
If I use the slopes (from As) just as four points my error is very
high (25%) even though the correlation coefficient is 0.99. This is
because I use T value for 95% confidence interval for n-2 points =2,
which is very high. But as a matter of fact my initial data are based
on a number of measurements (not just four), so I don't think my
approach is correct.
For chemist, maybe somebody can help me if I say that I'm calculating
Activation energy and that first set of slopes are rate constants.

Thanks Alena

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