Stan Brown wrote:
> Problem posed me by a student: ten persons (A through J) and ten
> envelopes containing cards marked with letters A through J. (Each
> letter is in one and only one envelope.)
> The random variable x is the number of people who get the "right"
> envelope when the envelopes are handed out randomly. Obviously
> 0 <= x <= 10.
> Question: How do we express the probability distribution P(x)?
> I've done some work on this, and I _must_ be missing something
> obvious. Here's part what I've got so far.
> 10! = number of possible arrangements. Only one of them assigns all
> ten envelopes to the right people, so
>         P(10) = 1/10!
> If nine people get the right envelopes, the tenth must also get the
> right envelope. So
>         P(9) = 0
> I bogged down on figuring P(8), though. Then I tried to look at P(0)
> and got even more bogged down.
> Am I missing something here? Is there an elegant way to write
> expressions for the probabilities of the various x's?

This is sometimes called the matching problem or the matching

Type "letters envelopes random" into google and you get several
relevant hits - e.g. 

either of these might be enough for you to see how to do it.

If you put "matching" in there as well it would probably
target your search better, but I just wanted to show you
you didn't need more than your own description of the
problem to find out lots just with google.


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