Nomen Nescio wrote:
> >Mr. Dawson wrote:
> >        Well, they do say what goes around comes around; I'd love to see what
> >mark the dishonest DL student gets having had his homework done for him
> >by somebody who:
> >
> >        (a) believes all primes to be odd;
> >        ...
> ###      Let's assume that any prime is NOT odd
> ###      It means that is is even (no other way among integers!)
> ###      So that prime has 3 dividers: "1",this prime and "2"
> ###      which contradicts with prime definition:
> ###      ("prime is integer that has only two dividers: 1 and this prime itself")
> ###          Dear Mr. Dawson, please send me at least ONE even prime
> ###      and i shall give you $1,000,000.


        Da mihi pecuniam.


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