** PHARMACOLOGY 2002 (IDAMAP 2002) **

       (Web version of the CfP: http://idamap.org/idamap2002)

 Peter Lucas (Chair), Lars Asker (Co-Chair), Silvia Miksch (Co-chair)


 o Paper submission deadline - 22 March, 2002
 o Notification to Authors - 12 April, 2002
 o Camera-ready papers - 10 May, 2002
 o Workshops at ECAI 2002 - 22 or 23 July 2002


The IDAMAP workshop series is devoted to computational methods for
data analysis in *medicine*, *biology* and *pharmacology* that somehow
exploit expert knowledge of the problem domain. Such knowledge may be
available at different stages of the data analysis and model-building

Nowadays, machine-learning tools provide an effective means to derive
understandable diagnostic and prognostic rules; Bayesian structure and
parameter learning methods are capable of capturing the (in)dependence
structure hidden in data and of learning and updating the model's
parameters; clustering and instance-based learning methods, like
case-based reasoning, may represent a crucial help to physicians in
their decision making process; the interpretation of time-ordered data
through the derivation and revision of temporal trends and other types
of temporal data abstraction provides a powerful instrument for event
detection and prognosis; data visualisation is increasingly becoming
an essential element in the overall process of knowledge discovery in

In the workshop, special attention will be given to systems that aim
at integrating the above mentioned techniques to promote the
construction of effective decision models to support medical decision
making, the discovery of meaningful patterns and structures in
biomolecules and bioassays, the design of new drug compounds,
discovery of drugs, etc.  In addition, issues related to automated
data collection in modern hospitals, such as analysis of
computer-based patient records (CPR), data warehousing tools, outcomes
analysis, intelligent alarming, effective and efficient monitoring,
and so on are covered in the workshop.


The scientific programme of the workshop will consist of presentations
of accepted papers and panel discussions.

Papers are invited both on methodological issues of intelligent data
analysis as well as on specific applications in medicine and
pharmacology.  The preferred length of papers is 10 pages. Papers
should in any case explicitly address the topics of the workshop,

 o what kind of knowledge they have used and/or extracted;
 o why they need to exploit the available prior knowledge in their
 o how they have represented the available knowledge; 
 o how they plan to use / have used the derived knowledge.

Panel discussions will be organised in two phases: the first will
identify clusters of basic approaches presented to intelligently
analyse data, the second one will deal with discussions initiated by


In all human activities, automatic data collection is driving the
development of tools able to handle and analyse data in a
computer-supported fashion. In the majority of application areas, this
cannot be accomplished without using the available knowledge of the
domain or of the data analysis process. This requirement becomes
essential in biomedical applications, since biomedical decision making
needs to be supported by arguments based on basic biomedical and
pharmacological knowledge.


The workshop invites submission of long and short papers written in
English to the workshop chair, Peter Lucas. Authors should send an
electronic submission in either PDF or Postscript to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] not later than 22nd March, 2002. The length
of long papers is about 6000 words (5 pages) and the length of short
papers is about 3000 words (2-3 pages).

Papers should be formatted in accordance with the style as proposed by
ECAI. Instructions for authors are available at


This site also includes a LaTeX style file and an example LaTeX document.


Peter Lucas (Chair)
Department of Computing Science
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen AB24 3UE
Scotland, UK
Tel: +44 1224 273829; Fax: +44 1224 273422/487048
WWW: http://www.cs.uu.nl/~lucas

Lars Asker (Co-chair)
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences
Stockholm University/ KTH
Forum 100
SE-164 40 Kista
Tel: +46 8674 7002; Fax +46 8703 9025

Silvia Miksch (Co-chair)
Vienna University of Technology
Institute of Software Technology (IFS)
Favoritenstrasse 9-11 / 188
A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 58801 18824,  +43-1-58801-18801
Fax: +43 1 58801 18899
WWW: http://www.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/~silvia


Ameen Abu-Hanna, Netherlands
Steen Andreassen, Denmark
Lars Asker, Sweden
Riccardo Belazzi, Italy
Marie-Odile Cordier, France
Luc Dehaspe, Belgium
Javier Diez, Spain
Michel Dojat, France
Linda van der Gaag, Netherlands
Catherine Garbay, France
Peter Hammond, UK
Werner Horn, Austria
Elpida Keravnou, Cyprus
Jan Komorovski, Norway
Pedro Laranaga, Spain
Nada Lavrac, Slovenia
Cristiana Larizza, Italy
Xiaohui Liu, UK
Peter Lucas, UK
Silvia Miksch, Austria
Lucila Ohno-Machado, USA
Rene Quiniou, France
Marco Ramoni, USA
Paola Sebastiani, USA
Yuval Shahar, Israel
Stefan Wrobel, Germany
Blaz Zupan, Slovenia


Peter Lucas
Dept. of Computing Science
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen AB24 3UE
Scotland, UK
Tel: +44 1224 273829; Fax: +44 1224 273422/487048


IDAMAP 2002 is a follow-up to the following successful workshops in
the IDAMAP series:

 o ECAI'96 workshop Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and
   Pharmacology IDAMAP'96, Budapest, Hungary, August 1996 (N. Lavrac,
   E. Keravnou, B. Zupan - co-chairs, R. Bellazzi, W. Horn, C. Larizza
   - PC members)

 o IJCAI '97 workshop Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and
   Pharmacology IDAMAP'97, Nagoya, Japan, August 1997 (N. Lavrac,
   E. Keravnou, B. Zupan - co-chairs, R. Bellazzi, W. Horn - PC

 o ECAI'98 workshop Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and
   Pharmacology IDAMAP'98, Brighton, UK, August 1998 (R. Bellazzi,
   B. Zupan - co-chairs, N. Lavrac, E. Keravnou, C. Larizza, X. Liu,
   S. Andreassen, W. Horn, S. Miksch - PC members)

 o AMIA'99 workshop Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and
   Pharmacology IDAMAP'99, Washington, DC, USA, November 1999
   (Y. Shahar, S. Miksch - co-chairs, S. Anand, L. Asker, R. Bellazzi,
   B. Zupan, N. Lavrac, E. Keravnou, C. Larizza, X. Liu, C. Popow,
   S. Andreassen, W. Horn, - PC members)

 o ECAI 2000 workshop Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and
   Pharmacology IDAMAP 2000, Berlin, Germany, August 2000 (Nada
   Lavrac, Silvia Miksch - co-chairs, Sarabjot Anand; Steen
   Andreassen; Lars Asker; Riccardo Bellazzi; Werner Horn; Elpida
   Keravnou; Cristiana Larizza; Nada Lavrac; Xiaohui Liu; Christian
   Popow; Yuval Shahar; Blaz Zupan - PCmembers)

 o Medinfo 2001 workshop Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and
   Pharmacology IDAMAP 2001, London, England, September 2001 (Riccardo
   Bellazzi, Blas Zupan, Xiaohui Liu, - co-chairs, Ameen Abu-Hanna,
   Noriaki Aoki, Lars Asker, Werner Horn, Elpida Keravnou, Isaac
   Kohane, Nada Lavrac, Cristiana Larizza, Peter Lucas, David Marrero,
   Silvia Miksch, Christian Popow, Marco Ramoni, Yuval Shahar, - PC

Peter Lucas
Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen 
Aberdeen AB24 3UE, Scotland, UK
Tel: +44 1224 273829/272296; Fax: +44 1224 273422/487048
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; URL: http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~plucas

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