I was about to respond along the same lines, but with genomics and
genetic epidemiology entering the picture there's a certain truth to
it. OTOH, not so much that I would characterize the field that way.

Jerrold Zar wrote:
> Dennis Roberts:
> I wonder what makes you say what you did below.  Are there some
> biostatistics textbooks that have given you that impression?
> >>> Dennis Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/19/01 10:48AM >>>
> >
> >     BW> On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, Stan Brown wrote:
> >
> >     >> What _is_ "biostatistics", anyway? A student asked me, and I
> >     >> realized I have only a vague idea.
> well, one difference in bio stat is a strong emphasis on probability
> sorts
> of problems ...

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