I have to add a short story to this thread.

As ateacher a local dry cleaning store gave teachers a 10% discount.  I took 
some clothes to be cleaned and when I picked them up the total was $23.75.  
The clerk asked for that amount.  I indicated that I was a teacher and would 
like the 10% discount.  Without hesitation the clerk said, "Certainly, that 
means you only have to pay $20.00."  This took me back somewhat and I 
indicated that this was the wrong amount.  The clerk wipped out a hand 
calculator, entered 23.75 and subtracted 3.75.  He announced, "No, that's the 
correct amount."

Now I did something stupid.  I tried to explain why it was wrong.  The 
manager noticed our conversation, walked over and asked about the problem.  
The clerk indicated that I was entitled to 10% off the $23.75 price and that 
I felt that $20.00 was the wrong amount.  The manager took the calculator, 
did exactly the same thing, arrived at $20.00 and then explained to the 
clerk.  "You don't need the calculator, simply move the decimal point one 
place to the left, drop what is on the right and move the decimal point back.

"See, move the decimal point so the amount is 2.375, drop the .375 and move 
the decimal point back so it becomes $20.00.  Simple."

Too simple for me.  I took my clothes and left.

A few weeks later I went back, left come clothes and when I picked them up 
the bill came to $28.50.  You guessed it.  It cost me $20.00.

I couldn't resist and tried to explain the error to the clerk and manager 
again.  No success and after about ten minutes the manager indicated that if 
I didn't want the discount then I shouldn't come to this store.

Now the end of the story.  After six months later the store closed its doors. 
 Bankrupt.  Need I say more?  Oh yes, I'm not sure what they would have done 
if the pice had been $8.50.  I guess I should had tried to find out if they 
would have given me the clothes for free.


Dr. Robert C. Knodt
4949 Samish Way, #31
Bellingham, WA 98226

"Happiness comes through doors you didn't even know you left open."

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