On 10 Jan 2002 03:28:29 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vmcw) wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm looking at an article that references a result by Fisher & Tippett
> (specific reference is "Limiting Forms of the Frequency Distribution of the
> Largest or Smallest Member of a Sample," Procedings of the Cambridge
> Philosophical Society 24, 180-190 (1928)).  The article presents the result as
> follows:  if there are S independent samples of size m from a parent population
> bounded below by a, and if xi is the smallest value in sample i, then the
> limiting distribution of the minimum of the xi-values is Weibull with location
> parameter a as m -> infinity.
> This seems like a not particularly rigorous description of the result, and I
> wanted to read the original statement to make sure that all the details are
> covered here, i.e. it seems like the parent distribution would have to be
> continuous, at least, and that a should be the greatest lower bound rather than
> just a bound.  So, I ordered the original article from my library and have been

The way that I read your 1928  summary, I don't figure out why you 
are looking for a 'bound.'   It says, some distribution becomes 
(increasingly) Weibull.  With a parameter.  Where do you see a bound?

And, yes, I would guess that somewhere they say 
something is continuous.

> waiting a loooong time with no success.  So... can anyone help me out with a
> precise statement regarding this result?  (If it helps, I have obtained
> Gumbel's "Statistics of Extremes" to see if it's buried in there, but so far
> haven't found it.  Page number?)

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