If your beta coefficients are on different scales: like
you want to know whether temperature or pressure are affecting
your bread baking more,

Is the way to do this using Beta coefficients calculated
as Beta=beta*SDx/SDy

(SDx=standard deviation of each x)
(SDy=standard deviation of the dependant variable)

It seems like the Beta coefficients are rarely cited in studies
and it seems to me worthless to know beta (small "b") as you are
not allowed to compare them as they are on different scales.

For example, a standardized regression equation becomes:
Bread Making Success=0.5Temperature+0.8Pressure

would mean that a standard deviation change in pressure will increase
your success.
Is there a way of converting this standardized coefficient to a
"correlation coefficient" on a scale of -1 to +1)
It would be useful to do this as you want to know the correlation
coefficient of temperature after factoring out pressure.

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