doesn't the Hosmer and Lemeshow book on logistic regression give some good
background on the test?

At 08:07 AM 1/21/2002 -0800, Brian Leung wrote:
>Thanks Rich,
>can you suggest a book where I can read about the basis underlying the
>LR test? The books that I have just tell me where and how to use it,
>without giving a sufficient theoretic description of why.
>Rich Ulrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>> On 19 Jan 2002 10:25:10 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Leung)
>> wrote:
>> > Greetings,
>> > 
>> > I've read that the likelihood ratio test is not valid for non-nested
>> > models. Is this still true if the PF (i.e., multinomial) is the same,
>> > but the link function differs.
>> > 
>> Yes, it is still true.  It is the subtraction that allows the 
>> estimates to be  *independent*  so that the result may be 
>> readily interpreted.
>> However, it is also true that people decide and publish using
>> related criteria for  non-nested models.  Such conclusions 
>> are not as rigorous, but seem to work in various applications.
>> Your comparison of link functions sounds familiar, for instance.
>> Here is one link I found by searching on 
>> < BIC "information criterion" > ,
>> (I keep forgetting how to spell AKAIKE.)
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