> I have 2 independent samples and the standard errors and n's associated
> each of them.  If a and b are constants, what is the formula for the 95%
> confidence interval for (a(Xbar1)+b(xbar2))?

Presumably you mean "95% c.i. for (a(mu1) + b(mu2))"? (Xbar1 is a random
variable not a parameter and xbar2 is just a number.)

Assuming X1 and X2 are both normal and have the same variance (I haven't got
a clue how to proceed otherwise) then

[ (a(Xbar1) + b(Xbar2)) - (a(mu1) + a(mu2)) ]


sqrt(n1 + n2 -2)

divided by

sqrt(a*a/n1 + b*b/n2)

all divided by

sqrt((n1-1)*s1*s1 + (n2-1)*s2*s2)

is distributed as t(n1 + n2 - 2)

and the c.i. follows from that.

Any help?


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