Uzytkownik "Gottfried Helms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napisal w wiadomosci
> It's not so simple. You have to do matrix-inversion for
> that.
Not simple? I heard that taking suitable factor loadings and every variable
mean I can obtain this space. e.g. (I do not know is it true)
Let mean for car1 and questions 10 (variables):
mean X1=1
mean X2=2
mean X10=10
I have 2 factor score.
factor loadins (aij) I have, therefore for first factor score, co-odrinate
for car1 is
F1(for car1)=1*a(1,1)+2*a(2,1)+3*a(3,1)+...+10*a(10,1)
is it true?


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