The answer is E(CA)=EA*EB. This is why:
You have C=A*B. Therefore, E(CA)=E((A**2)*B))=E(A*B)=EA*EB.
The second to last equality holds because A**2=A, and the last one is
correct because A and B are independent.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Smith) wrote: 
> If I have 3 variables defined as follows:
> A, B as independent, uncorrelated values of 0 or 1
> C defined as the logical AND of A&B, such that C=1 if and only if both
> A & B =1, and 0 otherwise.
> Example
> A=1, B=0 then C=0
> A=0, B=1 then C=0
> A=0, B=1 then C=0
> A=1, B=1 then C=1
> My question is, what is the covariance (or how does one begin to
> calculate it) between A and C ?

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