
I am trying to find out if the following integral
(given in mathematica notation) can be solved analytically.
If anyone knows the answer to this I'd appreciate the help.

f[y_]:=p*Exp[-y^2/(2*a)]/Sqrt[2*Pi*a] + (1-p)*Exp[-y^2/(2*b)]/Sqrt[2*Pi*b]

Integrate[-f[y]*Log[f[y]] , {y, -Infinity, Infinity}]

where 0 < p < 1 and a,b > 0.

Notice that this is the (shannon) entropy of a gaussian-mixed
random variable ,Y. In this case both components in the mixture
are gaussian themselves with zero mean and variances a and b,
and they are weighted according to p.

I am also interested in the case when one of the gaussian
components doesn't have a zero mean.

If anyone knows if this entropy can or can't be computed
analytically please let me know.
(please email me directly ,if possible, as well as post here)



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