You'll get the "physical  file does not exist" message if the Excel
spreadsheet is not open when you execute the SAS code.
Try opening the spreadsheet, and then executing the SAS code while the
spreadsheet is open.

"Jay Tanzman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Eric Miller wrote:
> >
> > Dear Friends,
> >
> > I had difficulty reading huge excel data into sas.
> > I tried the following code, but it always says "physical file does not
> > exist". I need your help.
> >
> > My code:
> > =======================
> > filename import dde 'excel|sheet1!r2c1:r379c15';
> > data xray;
> > infile import dlm='09'x notab dsd missover;
> > input age race etoh smoke cholest wt ht xray bmi hgb hct bun cr parkin
> > seizure;
> > run;
> > ========================
> Hehehe.  Try capitalizing the 'S' in 'Sheet1'.
> Email me and let me know if it works.
> -Jay

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