Thomas Souers wrote: > > Hello, I have two questions regarding multiple comparison tests for a one-way ANOVA >(fixed effects model). > > 1) Consider the "Protected LSD test," where we first use the F statistic to test the >hypothesis of equality of factor level means. Here we have a type I error rate of >alpha. If the global F test is significant, we then perform a series of t-tests >(pairwise comparisons of factor level means), each at a type I error rate of alpha. >This may seem like a stupid question, but how does this test preserve a type I error >for the entire experiment?
As you (nearly) say, "[Only i]f the global F test is significant, we then perform a series of t-tests " > > 2) Secondly, are contrasts used primarily as planned comparisons? If so, why? It depends on the research question. ================================================================= Instructions for joining and leaving this list, remarks about the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES, and archives are available at =================================================================