[EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Truth) wrote:

> I suppose I should have been more clear with my question. What I
> essentially require is a textbook which presents algorithms like Monte
> Carlo, Principal Component Analysis, Clustering methods,
> MANOVA/MANACOVA methods etc. and provides source code (in C , C++ or
> Fortran) or pseudocode together with short explanations of the
> algorithms.

You might try looking for books which are specifically 
related to S+. Why is that? Well, the S language is very
high-level, so that algorithms remain comprehensible even
in their implementation. Also, the R implementation of S
(www.r-project.org) is an open source package which is
very powerful. 

One can say the same about Matlab -- in this case the
alternative implementation is Octave (www.octave.org).

There is a book by Venables & Ripley titled something like
"Statistical Programming in S+". I don't have it, but I've
read other works by Ripley, so I believe it will be a 
good book. I believe you'll find many other S+-centric books.

StatLib (lib.stat.cmu.edu) is a very large collection of
algorithms and data sets -- you can learn a lot by browsing
and downloading materials from there.

Hope this helps,

Robert Dodier

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