At 04:11 PM 2/27/02 -0500, Rich Ulrich wrote:

>Categorizing the values into a few categories labeled,
>"none, almost none, ...."  is one way to convert your scores.
>If those labels do make sense.

well, if 750 has the same numerical sort of meaning as 0 (unit wise) ... in 
terms of what is being measured then i would personally not think so SINCE, 
the categories above 0 will encompass very wide ranges of possible values

if the scale was # of emails you look at in a day ... and 1/3 said none or 
0 ... we could rename the scale 0 = not any, 1 to 50 as = some, and 51 to 
750 as = many (and recode as 1, 2, and 3) .. i don't think anyone who just 
saw the labels ... and were then asked to give some extemporaneous 'values' 
for each of the categories ... would have any clue what to put in for the 
some and many categories ... but i would predict they would seriously 
UNderestimate the values compared to the ACTUAL responses

this just highlights that for some scales, we have almost no 
differentiation at one end where they pile up ... perhaps (not saying one 
could have in this case) we could have anticipated this ahead of time and 
put scale categories that might have anticipated that

after the fact, we are more or less dead ducks

i would say this though ... treating the data only in terms of ranks ... 
does not really solve anything ... and clearly represents being able to say 
LESS about your data or interrelationships (even if the rank order r is .3 
compared to the regular pearson of about 0) ... than if you did not resort 
to only thinking about the data in rank terms

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