At 09:51 AM 2/28/02 -0800, Jay Tanzman wrote:

>I partially did this, insofar as I ran Pearson and Spearman correlations 
>several of the scales and, not surprisingly, the two correlation coefficients
>and their p-values were similar. <<<<< that issue is entirely a separate 
>one since the rank order FORMULA was derived from the pearson ...

>  Dr. Kim was not impressed.

i hate to ask this question but, what the heck, spring break is near so i will

if your boss, dr. kim??? ... seems so knowledgeable about what the data are 
and what is and is not appropriate to do with the data, why is not dr. kim 
doing the analysis?

this reminds me of assigning a task to someone and, doing so much 
micro-managing that ... it would have been better off doing it oneself ...

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